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Saturday, May 19, 2012

Beauty Tinge: Oral health facts

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Pretty self-explanatorily, teeth is the most important feature of our face, because the health of your teeth does affect your image as a person. You may have small eyes, but that doesn't say anything about you as a person, but if you have bad teeth, you will definitely leave a bad impression for yourself.

It is true you know, the teeth condition is somewhat genetically influenced too, some are born with good teeth even with less care, but some others who are not as fortunate, can overcome that by having good teeth hygiene. I wasn't a big fan of tooth care before, but as I went through bumps and visits to the dental clinics, they sort of made you aware of the importance of it. So, here are some 'teeth' facts that I recently learned:-

1. Brush your teeth 3 minutes after meals.
- When you eat anything, the bacteria on your teeth will turn into acid that is going to dissolves the hard enamel of your teeth and causes cavities. The longer you wait before you brush, the acid level of you teeth is higher.

2. At least use mouthwash if you are unable to brush after meal.
- Mouthwash cannot replace the act of brushing, because it is not going to clean up all the difficult spots, but it does help in preventing gum diseases. Keep in mind that you also have to change up your mouthwash after a period of time, because bacteria is likely to be accustomed to the prolonged use of the same product. The one that I find most to my liking is the Corsodyl mouthwash.

3. Floss your teeth everyday.
- This is important to make sure you get your teeth thoroughly clean. Any trapped bacteria in your teeth is likely to cause harm.

4. Change your toothbrush at least once every three months.
- Only when the bristles are in conditions that a toothbrush can do what it is designed to do. So change it whenever you have to.

5. Avoid frequent use of teeth whitening products.
- Whitening products tend to cause irritations or sensitive teeth, so maybe try avoiding letting the coffee stain stays on your teeth and brush it off immediately after you have one or even just rinse your teeth with water after coffee to avoid staining. Sensitive teeth is a bite in an ass if you know what I mean.

Okay I don't have the nicest teeth, showing this picture of mine after this teeth post is just me being silly. Hehh. Smile always everyone.


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